Missing Chocolate? (or any other flavour)
Is your favourite flavour playing hide-and-seek? If you can’t seem to find your preferred variant of ASSEGAI at your retailer of choice, speak up!
Some retailers only list a limited number of ASSEGAI variants. For larger chains, if you the consumer express interest in an unlisted variant you can be the change you want to see in the world. Sometimes a store has a variant which simply hasn’t been placed on the shelf yet, so it may just be a matter of asking for the bottles to be found in a back store-room.
For smaller retailers and online stores that don’t have a flavour available, it’s very easy for them to order from us and have it available to you in a short amount of time.
No-one should ever be without access to their favourite ASSEGAI variant!
View our PRODUCTS page to see currently available variants, then visit our BUY page for links to everywhere ASSEGAI is available.